In order to succeed in terms of teaching and learning the department must have highly qualified and experienced academic staffs that are looking forward to constantly develop their skills and stayed updated to the last social and technological developments (EPOKA University Framework Strategy 2018-2022, Areas A, F3, F7). Furthermore, there should be a systematic collection of graduation theses done at the department in order to create a collection of academic and practical materials that are case-based referring to the Albanian and the regional market (i.e. Western Balkans). Also, students and academic staff should have the possibility to access online data sources of the university from outside the campus. The number of prestigious online sources should be enhanced furthermore to make the department competitive also in the international market, and to provide possibilities for students to access the most updated sources during their study period (EPOKA University Framework Strategy 2018-2022, G.38). In addition, the BUS department must have annual subscriptions with newspapers and business journals, to give the possibility to faculty and students having access in cases, videos and other materials. Finally, the department must focus to provide short online courses on behalf of already established platforms (e.g. edX, Coursera, etc), or create its own digital platform.
Specific goals for theme 1:
Goal 1.1: Increase the efficiency of academic staff and the quality of their publications.
Goal 1.2: To have a better relationship among the triangle: academic staff-students-industry.
Goal 1.3: To build a “thesis directory data”.
Goal 1.4: To build a good infrastructure to make easier the access to sources for both students and lecturers.
Measures in order to reach mentioned goals under Theme 1:
Measure 1.1: Arranging flexible working hours for the academic staff and defining goals to be achieved. Design “bonus” payment systems according to the quality of publications and teaching.
Measure 1.2: To create an “industry network directory” (IND) of the department, and managed only by the department in full compliance with the regulations of Epoka University.
Measure 1.3: To provide a good thesis guideline, to design a new thesis evaluation system that would be more specific, to take advantage of technology and build an online “Thesis Source Directory” in order to create a handbook of Albanian business cases.
Measure 1.4: Technology infrastructure so that students can study at their places as they were at the university. Recording courses in order to overcome absences (should be done in a controlled manner).